Thank you, Dr. Haynes aKA the Tiger Principal in EGTR

We were honored to have Dr. Haynes join us on Saturday and thrilled to hear her review of the book. Check it out below:

“Had the absolute pleasure of attending a book signing for my friend and former colleague this morning, Dr. Glover. Ethan Goes to Recess (which is a part of a series) is fantastic. Her books have many insights, but they are especially helpful for our youngest learners who are beginning to navigate their first years of school and understand friendships, inclusion, and social challenges. She draws inspiration from her experiences as an educator, from the school communities she worked in, and from her own nephew - making these stories both heartfelt and impactful. I am honored to have had my likeness and our little slice of heaven, Harrison Elementary, included in this one. Congrats Angela Glover Howell!”