Pop-Up Exhibit at Dixie Quicks

"When Words Meet Pictures: How THIS Book Was Made," the pop-up exhibit at Dixie Quicks was a huge success. Thanks to all who came down to meet Ethan and view the exhibit. The show has been extended to Thursday, Oct. 26, so stop down and take a look, buy a book, and then go eat at Dixie Quicks.

Travis the bear, Patrick the chameleon, Ethan the yellow lab and his dad Lee, also a yellow lab were in attendance. The lunch was delicious, thanks to Rob and Juan, and the folks at Dixie Quicks along with those who attended.


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Private Book Release Party Hosted by Over Easy Aug. 25

Ethan Eats Hot Lunch was released in paperback at a party for friends and family that featured the hot lunch served in the book. Guests dined on hotdogs, tater tots, peaches, and brownies before listening to a reading of the story to the 70 some attendees. Characters from the book joined Glover and Arant for autographs, which concluded the evening. Kids young and old shared memories of eating lunch at school.

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Characters from the book signing autographs.

Characters from the book signing autographs.

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Reading at The Bookworm Saturday Aug. 26 11AM


Saturday, August 26 / 11 a.m. | Author Angela Glover and illustrator Bruce Arant will sign their new book, Ethan Eats Hot Lunch. Meet Ethan, Lucy, and characters from the book while enjoying a hot lunch snack. Before Ethan’s first day of Kindergarten, he spends the summer learning the rules for how to eat hot lunch at school from his cousin Lucy. On the first day of school, Ethan is ready to recite his colors, most of the numbers, and his last name for Mrs. C., who works in the cafeteria. When the students in Miss G.’s classroom accidentally forget to hold their lunch trays with both hands while following the silver line and looking at the back of the head of the person in front of them, poor Eddie, the janitor, ends up with a big mess to clean up. 

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